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June 01, 2010



Hey Cor! I actually sneaked a peek at this post a week ago and LOVED it! (but didn't have a minute to comment) What an awesome idea. I thought about doing this on my blog a few months ago when life was so crazy, but being that life WAS so crazy I just never had time! haha :) But, I love the idea of doing this as a scrapbook entry. And I love how much you and I are alike....both very busy and both make sure everything is on the calendar! Your schedule looks just like ours (don't know if that's good or bad?? :)). And I love your line "life trumps blogging"...ditto for our little corner of the world too! Thanks for always inspiring me! And, yes, we'd love to get together the 1st week in Aug. Could we do it on a weekday night? We are trying to go away that 1st weekend for our anniversary. Let me know. And happy belated anniversary to you guys too. We thought of you that day in the midst of another wedding we were attending. Wow, 11 years...crazy! :) Love you guys/miss ya!

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